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Work From Home affects Mental Health?? Know how to overcome from Depression

During Lockdown, Indian IT Industry made Employees “Work From Home” (WFH) as Government’s mandate. As a result, about 90% of Employees worked from Home with 65% of them from homes in metros and the rest 35% from homes in small towns. Also, IT Industry Veteran Senapathy(Kris) Gopalakrishnan says, more than 1 million IT employees are expected to continue to work from home even after the Corona Virus inflicted lockdown situation returns to normal.

But professionals across corporate enterprises continue to miss their offices and colleagues. “Company Culture cannot be made over video calls,” wrote an Industry leader recently in his blog.
According to the survey conducted in May 2020, Only 18 percent of employees are fine working from home. The survey Conducted with over 3,000 employees working across 10 countries and various sectors including some biggest office markets mapped the impact of remote working.

“Missing Social Interaction at offices” has got 54 percent of the votes, making it the biggest factor of all for people to miss Office. But in India, The absence of a professional environment has got the maximum vote of 41 percent against the global score of 31%.

Why WFH is difficult ???????????

Here are some Commonly issues the Remote worker bees and digital nomads face.

The absence of a professional environment is the biggest problem people are facing- Most Indian homes need adjustments when it comes to WFH. For instance, the average size of homes in some regions ranges between 40 square meters to 60 square meters. This house may be small if one has to install a working desk. Most houses do not have a study room.

  • Network Connectivity, Power backups, and facing technical issues.
  • Communication Gap between Team.
  • Most of the people are staying with family and friends they have to face lots of distractions. So 2 hours of work can take 4 hours.
  • Loneliness and Isolation- You do miss the social aspect of chatting and venting about work and life when you are remote. This disconnectivity from your coworkers and the rest of the world may make you feel lonely.
    Loneliness is associated with higher rates of depression, anxiety.
  • The boundary between work and Homelife blurs for people who work in the same place.

Is WFH affect people psychologically??

When you work from home and you will shrug off the anxiety, depression, and loneliness many remote workers face. If you feel more stressed out despite not traveling a commute, unmotivated, irritable toads, tired. You should take care of yourself. Depression can happen when you feel stuck.

Depression isn’t always simply feeling down however in accordance with Experts Depression includes

  • Angry Outbursts, irritation, or frustration even over small matters.
  • Tiredness and Lack of Energy.
  • Loss of interest or happiness in activities sleep disturbances including insomnia and sleeping too much.
  • Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions, and remembering things.
  • Increased craving for food.
  • Anxiety, agitation, and restlessness
  • Unexplained physical problems such as headaches
  • Often wanting to stay at home rather than going out to socialize or do new activities.

How to take care of your mental health

Taking care of your mental health is just as important as physical activities. and eating nourishing Foods

  • Create a routine and stick to the schedule– when you organize your tasks and outline your goals, you mentally prepare yourself for what to expect during the day. Then its easier to work towards achieving the goals you set out
  • Breaks are Important
    From your work, you should schedule a time for your Fun. you can relax your mind by focusing on your hobbies, self-care, and anything else that makes you happy.
  • Upgrade your Workspace-
    If possible make a dedicated workspace with a Wide desk and Comfortable chair at home . that may help you to concentrate your work.
  • Give your House a Nature touch

Dr. Jason Strauss From Harvard- affiliated Cambridge Health Alliance Say

“Having something pleasant to Focus on like trees and greenery helps distract your mind from negative thinking. so your thoughts become less filled with worry”.

So keep some Indoor plants inside your Home and some plants on your balcony to create positive vibes at your home.

  • Yoga and Meditation-
    Yoga and Meditation have been used as an alternative form of exercise to keep the mind and body healthy and happy. Regular Yoga practice assists to reduce stress responses in the body and Meditation can help to increase your Concentration Power.
  • Spend some time with your Favourite Person
    As Harvard happiness expert. Daniel Gilbert Explains: “We are happy when we have a family. we are happy when we have friends and almost all the other things we think make us happy are actually just ways of getting more Family and Friends”
    Spending some time with your favorite person can help to release stress by sharing your problems, thoughts, and happiness. You can make fun and relax your mind.

Calamities like Corona had been and shall keep coming and going but once the Nation sinks like Titanic will never come up again.
So We should take care of our self Physically and Mentally and work happily to save the Economy of our Nation

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