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Wikipedia needs your Help

We all are using Wikipedia but what is it?????

Wikipedia is a free content based encyclopedia project that aims to help create a world in which everyone can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. It is supported by the Wikimedia Foundation.

The name “Wikipedia” is a blending of the words wiki and encyclopedia. Wiki means A technology for creating collaborative websites, from the Hawaiian word wiki, which means “quick”.Wikipedia is written collaboratively by largely anonymous volunteers who write without pay. Anyone with internet access can write and make changes to Wikipedia articles except for some limited cases.

Since its creation on January 15, 2001, Wikipedia has grown into the world’s largest references website, attracting 1.5 billion unique visitors monthly as of March 2020. It currently has more than 54 million articles in more than 300 languages including 6,135,352 articles in English with 127,802 active contributors in the past month.

But why Wikipedia asking for donation??

Wikipedia is hosted by a non-profit organization.A website regularly generates revenue via advertisements for other companies. However, Wikipedia doesn’t feature any ads. Another ripple effect of revenue generation shares. But Wikipedia doesn’t even have shareholders. So the website relies solely on donors and their donation.

In its 2015 blog. Wikipedia foundation (WMF) has clarified that the donation helps the organization to pay salaries of all its staff members. In addition, the fund also helps to keep Wikipedia and its sister sites secure, fast, and easily accessible. A website regularly generates revenue via advertisements for other companies. However, Wikipedia doesn’t feature any ads. Another ripple effect of revenue generation shares. But Wikipedia doesn’t even have shareholders. So the website relies solely on donors and their donation. Donations are literally the only way they get money to continue running.

Another Question Can arise in mind Should I donate for Wikipedia?? Where my money will go if i will donate

Donations to the Wikimedia Foundation help sustain free knowledge through Wikipedia and other ecosystems of projects. Your contribution supports technology to keep the sites fast, secure and accessible; for Wikimedia programs and initiatives to expand access and support free knowledge globally, and for grants to volunteer contributors to improve and enrich the knowledge on Wikipedia and Wikimedia sites.  Your donations support this work, and so much more, to ensure Wikipedia remains accessible and valuable for many generations to come.

As for whether you should. If you support the foundation’s mission and what it stands for. your donation would help support that. At the end of the day if you found Wikipedia useful and you would love for them to spread that utility to others. It’s worth it. Their annual plans and financial reports are available on

How can I donate???

There are several ways you can donate to the Wikimedia Foundation. The most common are using any major credit or debit card( VISA, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express), using PayPal, via bank transfer, and via Amazon.

If you want to donate Please Click here

You will see an option for payment on the Right side while you open Wiki. You can found 2 Payment with amounts One is Debit card/credit card another is Net banking

You can choose one of them.Then fill your Billing information with Amount. and pay.and Lastly you will get a Thank-you Note on your Screen